Battalion 1944: Blitzkrieg ECL -...

Battalion 1944:...

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Battalion 1944: Blitzkrieg ECL - Group A


The Blitzkrieg European Community League for Battalion 1944 is about to start with 27 teams divided into two groups. We've been assigned to Group A, and the following is the schedule of matches:

 EVERSIO.B44 06:13  vaevictis - 1st May - 20:00
 EVERSIO.B44 17:19  ASCENSION - 2nd May - 21:00
 EVERSIO.B44 07:13  Retired Gamers - 3rd May - 21:00
 EVERSIO.B44 16:14  Savuna Ilmaan - 8th May -21:00
 EVERSIO.B44 07:13  Team Legit - 8th May - 22:00
 EVERSIO.B44 08:13   Team Demise - 9th May - 22:00
 EVERSIO.B44 06:13   PENTA Sports - 15th May - 21:00
 EVERSIO.B44 13:10  Paradigm6 - 16th May - 20:00
 EVERSIO.B44 08:13   ACIASS - 16th May - 22:30
 EVERSIO.B44 01:00  KINGS - 22nd May - 21:00
 EVERSIO.B44 00:00  Yrtnallag - 23rd May - 21:00
 EVERSIO.B44 01:00  Singularity Esports - 24th May - 22:00
 EVERSIO.B44 13:09  forsaken - 29th May - 21:00

Group A Group B
 Yrtnallag  Engine Gaming
 Team Legit  1UP eSports
 Singularity Esports  aNarchyMT
 forsaken  Online Owls
 Project Eversio  rizeGaming
 vaevictis  farm2play
 SAVUNA ILMAAN  Defusekids
 KINGS  Entropy Gaming
 ASCENSION  Aera-eSport
 Retired Gamers  Comrade Gaming